For a society to survive and progress, each generation must pass its knowledge, skills and values on to the next. This process is called education. Passing on knowledge is so vital that most countries have established formal systems of education for teaching children, by sending them to schools and colleges.Read more..
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Bangladesh is a developing country burdened with a huge human cargo , is uniquely placed to harness her human resource potential to the benefit of its people throught effective restructing of the existing health care delivery system with major shift towards primary health care approach.
Mainamoti Medical College is a Private Medical College . Establishment of such an institute will assist mobilization of solving national problem through develovment for solving national problem through basic & applied research and by encouraging self - reliance in population .
This program will give a good profile of talents of both male & female student in technical field by proving their better performance in medical edication in aa separate environment for the graduates who can give more time in this field.
The Aim of this Medical College & Hospital is to teach selected cadidates for five academic years according to the syllabus laid down by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council ( BM&DC ) for MBBS degree to be a conferred by Chattagram Mdical University, Bangladesh and then impart training of closely supervised internship for one year to create high quality career as doctor for nation.
- To promote and provide studies in medical science leading to recognized graduate and post graduate degree.
- To conduct research work on the diseade prevalent in the country.
- To conduct research on medical education with the aim of raising the student of medical education in the country.