MESSAGES Managing Director's Message

From time immemorial, Cumilla is famous for education and the name of Mainamoti is famous to all of Bangladesh. Cumilla is called the seat of learning. Year after year people of Cumilla showed their merit & proved intellect in various sectors. Side by side, for diffusion education, especially medical education, some of the non-government medical colleges have been established by this time in Cumilla and in comparison "Mainamoti Medical College" stands at the top because of giving proper education to students, maintaining discipline and security. Even the foreigners feel at home her. Suitable environment along with the status of the college is very much congenial.

The Mainamoti Medical College based on new purpose built buildings which offer state of the art learning facilities. These include libraries, study rooms, lecture theatres and auditoriums. A number of distinguished teachers have joined in each faculty to meet the demand of education of the increasing number of students.

By this time the result of Final Prof. MBBS examination of 1st & 2nd batch is published and 72% students came out successful as doctors, out of them 2 students got honors mark.

I wish Mainamoti Medical College will stand as a symbol of education, treatment house and above all a research center of fatal diseases. Love to all who love the Mainamoti Medical College.
Dr. Golam Sarwar Liaquat Hossain Bhuiyan